Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Digital Products

  1. No Refund After Successful Purchase or Download: Once a digital product is successfully purchased or downloaded, we do not offer refunds. We consider the purchase or download as the final transaction.
  2. Confirmation of Download: When you download a digital product from our platform, it indicates your acceptance of the product in its current state. Hence, refunds will not be provided after this point.
  3. Product Description: We strive to provide accurate and detailed descriptions for all digital products listed on our platform. Please review these descriptions carefully before making a purchase.
  4. Product Compatibility: Ensure that your device or software is compatible with the digital product you intend to purchase. We are not responsible for compatibility issues.
  5. Refunds for Technical Issues: If you encounter technical issues with a product that prevent you from using it, please contact our support team. We will make reasonable efforts to assist you and resolve the issue. If we cannot resolve the issue, we may consider a refund on a case-by-case basis.
  6. Unauthorized Access: If you believe someone has gained unauthorized access to your account and made purchases without your consent, please notify us immediately. We will investigate and take appropriate actions.
  7. Refund Request Process: If you believe you are eligible for a refund due to technical issues or other legitimate reasons, you must contact our support team within 24 Hours, of the purchase or download. Please provide detailed information about the issue and your purchase.
  8. Refund Approval: Refund requests will be evaluated based on the circumstances and merit of each case. We reserve the right to approve or deny refund requests at our discretion.
  9. Refund Method: If a refund is approved, it will be processed using the same payment method used for the original purchase. Refunds may take 5-7 business days to process.
  10. Cancellation Policy: If you wish to cancel a purchase before downloading the digital product, you may be eligible for a refund. Contact our support team promptly to initiate the cancellation process.
  11. Changes to Refund Policy: We reserve the right to update or modify this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Please check our policy periodically for any changes.
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